God and Religion

Sometimes I cant just help but thank God for the life he gives us........

Am I religious, yes sure I am. I believe in God, I call him by various names that my parents have taught me....whether its Krishna, Ram, Vishnu or Shiva....... I call everyone and I talk to them and tell them my problems.
My friends may talk to Jesus and some call Allah. But in the end, they believe in GOD. A supernatural force that is setting up everything around us. Its like the movie Matrix where they say everything is a program. The action that you take now can work for or against you later. its all an "If" clause.
But why am i thinking about this today. well for the last few weeks I have been hearing a lot of news from my surroundings about some unlucky people. Good people....but unlucky people. And probably at this point of time I thank God for being good to us.
Some say its all written, and maybe it is. But how can we prove all this.

Life takes us through a lot of experience and maybe in one of the posts i said, i believe that i got a lot from my parents and then from my school. I must say, I got a lot from God too. and thats a lot of luck.......
Religion, i wish would used more as a tool to focus our goods rather than create the bad vibes. Today people when they hear a name, they first think about what religion he is. I always thought that this in more of an Indian mentality. but i was suprised recently when a customer from a different nationality asked me what religion i follow. he for some reason thought i followed a different one before he met me and with the thread around my wrist was a bit confused. I asked him if it mattered and he smiled.
but it possibly made me think, how educated you are, its not necessary you are knowledgeable.
the difference between GOD and religion i feel is just the same................ an educated person treats God as religion, and a wise man treats God as a power......a Universal Power.

This message is dedicated to him...... the one who is ruling above us..... THE ONE WHO MAKES US LOVE AND MAKES US FIGHT....

i wonder who created HIM???
